Thursday, March 20, 2008

Introducing "Shirley" and "Goodness", Mercy's Lambs!

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me . . ."
Psalm 23:6a - KJV


LEE said...

Hi Miss Lydia, Mercy, Shirley and Goodness,
What a surprise.

I am sure you are delighted with you new charges. What a perfect pair and brought into this world with no worry on your part.

They will love to follow you around and have you read to them as you did to Grace.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lydia!!

Love those names. God does work in mysterious ways!!!

Shouldn't you have a staff in your hand with all those sheep following you? Loved the picture and I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE You !! Meemom

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Grandpa,

I am so very thankful for my two little blessings, and that I didn't have to worry about them!

Guess what Victoria calls Shirley and Goodness? "Brownie" and "cream puff".[Of couurse,she named them after desserts! :]

I love you and miss you!

The Bowes Family said...

Hello Meemom!

Generally, I would like to be holding a staff, but grain seems to work better! If you enlarge the photo, yoy can actually see it falling from my hand!

I love you sooooooooo very, extra, much!