Thursday, February 28, 2008

Friends for Sure We Will Always Be

By Valerie

Much love does she show,
In Jesus I see her grow.

I often like to call her a nut,
Because she always has a cut!

Crash ‘n bang is her nick-name,
For her, the ambulance often came.

Her sunshine you can always see.
Can you guess who this might be?

Her dream is to have a mare,
We know she would give it good care.

But for now, her goats are quite fun,
She sure loves them a ton!

She is such a wonderful blessing to me,
Friends for sure we will always be.

I’m so glad that God chose her to be in our “clan”,
It was all part of God’s great plan!


LEE said...

A very loving poem from Miss Huggy Bear Valerie about her sister Crash 'n Bang Victoria.

I see sunshine in all of the Bowes Clan.

I am so glad God chose the Bowes Clan to be in my family. They are so loving and careing.

Love you all so very much,

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Grandpa,

Thank you for your sweet comment back on my poem. It was very encouraging to me. You were the one who first gave Victoria her "Crash-n-Bang" nick-name, huh?

I also, am very thankful that our loving Creator chose all of us to be together in one family!!

Love you so much!


Anonymous said...

Valerie....your poem is so neat. I am not sure, but I think we are talking about "yellow" here!!! Keep up the neat poetry. It is really fun to read it.

Do we really think it is safe to let Miss yellow own her own mare? It is alot further to the ground from the top of a mare than from the top of a goat. Well maybe by that time she will have even more respect for gravity.
Love you, Meemom

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Quadgranny,

I love it!!!!!! I had such a laugh with your response to my

Now, as for the qestion of if you think miss "yellow" can have a mare. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the distance variance from a horse to the ground vs. a goat to the ground. This is concerning! I think we better brush up on our gravity lessons before she gets a horse!

I love you sososososososo much!!! And I loved your note!


Anonymous said...

That's a great poem! :)
