Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Movie Review

A review of the movie “Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed

By Kyle

"Expelled" is a documentary of creation vs. evolution, and how many teachers are being expelled from teaching because they have mentioned the words “intelligent design” in their classrooms.

There was a time when Ben Stein, the main character in the documentary, thought that no one would get fired for saying their opinion on a matter. Until, he meets a scientist who got fired for mentioning his opinion that maybe there could be an intelligent designer.

When Ben Stein looks into the case more, he discovers a dozen teachers/scientists who have been “expelled”.

But what grounds do scientists have for believing in Darwinism? Darwin claims the world started with a big bang. Then a simple life form took place after millions of years. But the more Ben Stein looked into the theory, the more he is convinced that it is impossible!

He then is reminded of the Holocaust, when the Jews were expelled from jobs and their children were not allowed in schools. It got so bad that Jews were killed by the millions in concentration camps.

Mr. Stein points out that currently in our country people are getting fired from their jobs for thinking twice about Darwinism, which is a fairy tale and a pack of lies. What might be next? He encourages us to stand against this wall of untruth!


Anonymous said...

A very good review, Kyle. I believe from your comments that everyone should be able to conclude that this is a very informative movie, and a very good documentary on what is happening in many colleges around the country right now. A movie we should all see. Love you, Meemom

LEE said...

You are a very talented writer. Your review of the movie
“Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed” is excellent.

Your review informed me what this movie is all about.

It is unfortunate that a majority of our colleges are populated with Darwinism professors that are trying to indoctrinate young students with their beliefs. All these college professors believe in free speech as long as it agrees with them.

That is why home schooling is so good for the country.

Love you great big Bunches,

Ted and Karen said...

Hey Kyle,
I watched the preview/trailer on the internet and you are right on. Grammie and I will definitely see this very informative movie someday.
On a lighter note,,,how bout them DBACKS! Micah Owings hits a pinch hit homerun today,,,we win again.
Love Papa

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Meemom,

Thanks so much for your comments. I sure had fun being able to go see this movie WITH you! Yes, I hope that many, many people go to see this movie!

I also really enjoyed our checker games, even though you took it easy on me : ) and let me win . . hee, hee!

Love you more than all the checker boards in all the world!



Dear Grandpa,

Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, is is sooooo unfortunate that most EVERY school is teaching Darwinism these days. Hopefully, many people will go to see this movie, and help to "tear down this wall!" (referring to a clip in the movie)

I love you!



Dear Papa and Grammie,

Yes, I would highly recommend that you see the movie, and take along many others with you! We want to encourage everyone to see it! It is really good!


I love you!
