Sunday, April 6, 2008

She Works With Her Hands In Delight

The girls just finished their very first quilts!

Thank you Miss Debbie for all you did to help us and teach us so patiently!

Nine square "Log Cabin" quilt put together in three different layouts.


Debbie said...

Girls, they look awesome! Great work, all of you. It has been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to more! Love and Blessings to all--Miss Debbie

LEE said...

Oh my those quilts are absolutley BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just fantastic.
You have made some treasures that will last forever.

You all are so very talented. I bet if you had time to spend with Grandpa you could make some beautiful jewelry.

You all make me very proud.

Love you all sooooooo very much,


Ted and Karen said...

Grammie is sooo very proud of you girls making such beautiful quilts........something I haven't been able to accomplish yet. My Mom (your great grandmother) would be so pleased to see the tradition of sewing living on in our famly. Papa thinks the quilts are beautiful but the girls that made them are even more beautiful.

We love you bunches, Grammie and Papa


Anonymous said...

Your quilts are so beautiful! You all did great. How long did they take? Did you use a sewing machine or were they hand stitched? I ask because my aunt has been hand stitching quilts since she was a child, and still does. I haven't met anyone else, yet, who hand stitches. That is something that I could see you girls doing.

Hey! Aren't those the same colors (your favorite colors)you all chose for yourselves a long time ago? I seem to remember those very colors associated with each of you.
Caroline, my favorite color of all is green. I thought you might be interested in case we have that in common.
Mrs. Eagle

Anonymous said...

Very, very, very beautiful!!!!!

Cannot believe my young granddaughters accomplished something that looks so monumental to me.

Will you be entering these in the fair??? I bet you will win a prize, or least you should!!!

Much love, Meemom

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Grandpa,

Thank you sooooooooo much for your wonderful comment on our quilts!!! We would not have been able to make them without our patient teacher" Miss Debbie"!:)
We really enjoyed putting them together and seeing what they look like as each new piece came on!!!

Yes, it would be fun to make jewelry too!

Thanks again for your encouraging comment!!!
We love you sooooooooo much!!!
Valerie for all the Bowes girls

Kelley said...

Those are FANTASTIC! I can't wait for you to teach me and McKenna and Cassidy how to make one! :)

You all did great! They turned out beautifullly!
Great job!

Love you bunches!
Aunt Kelley

Anonymous said...

Wow guys, or girls... :) looks like you did great! I bet they'll be nice and warm to snuggle up with. :) I can tell you put a lot of work into it! How long did it take to make them???
Gabe :)

The Bowes Family said...

Dearest Miss Debbie,

Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging comment on our quilts!!! We really had sooooooo much fun making them and along the way talking and laughing with you too!!!:) We REALLY appreciate all you did to help us with our quilts!! I'm sure you spent alot of time on cutting out the strips etc.

We will continue to pray for your shoulder!!!

Thanks again!!!
We love you!!
The Bowes Girls

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Grammie and Papa,

Thank you so very much for your encouragment on our quilts!

It has been so much fun for us to learn this basic quilt pattern! We have also been enjoying making skirts.

Guess what? Sometime soon Miss Debbie might try to help us make a dress that is dated back to the Revolutionary War time period. I'm sure that will be lots of fun!

We're glad to be able to carry on the family tradition of sewing! It is neat to think that we have this heritage!

And I think Papa is a bit biased:)

Love you both soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Mrs. Eagle,

Thank you so very much for your encouragment!

It took us a couple months from start to finish, but we worked on them here and there. And it was fun!

Yes, all the quilts are in "our" colors! : ) That was very observant of you:) We all had so much fun working with "our" colors!

Victoria for The Bowes family

P.S. From Caroline

Yes, we do have the color green in common! It is my favorite too! You may notice that in our pictures, that is the color I'm wearing most often:) Glad you mentioned that green is your favorite color too!

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Memmom,

Thank you so much for all your encouragement!!! It is soooo fun to make quilts!! And we will get lots of use from them here in Washington! Yes, I think it would be neat to enter them in the fair!

We love you!

Caroline, for all of us :)

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Aunt Kelley,

Thank you so much for your encouragment on our quilts!!!!!

We could not have done it without our patient sewing teacher!! It would be fun to quilt together sometime! But we would definitely have to have a "How to Make a Quilt" book along, just in case!!!!:):):)

We love you sooooooooooooooooooo much, and miss you!!!
Valerie, for all the Bowes girls

The Bowes Family said...

Hi Gabe!

Thanks for the nice comments! We appreciate them!

Yes, the quilts took awhile to make! We started with individual strips of fabric and sewed them together one strip at a time! And of course, had a lot of cutting to do as we went. It took us about two months, working on them a little bit at a time. It's been a fun project!

How is your book coming? We loved the first chapter! It's exciting!


The Bowes Family said...

Mrs. Eagle,

We forgot to mention that we made the quilts on the sewing machine. The only hand stitching that was involved was in closing the opening for getting the batting in!

We can't even imagine how much longer hand sewn quilts would take! How special that would be! It would certainly be a labor of love!

The Bowes Girls

Anonymous said...

Hey Victoria!

My books coming along very well. I've started the sixth chapter, and can't wait to start writing more! It's getting to a real exciting part!

Sounds like quilting is a good patience tool. ;) LOL Thanks for asking about my book!

Gabe :)

Debbie said...

Robyn and girls,

I received your lovely thank you card today. I will so enjoy using the bookmark. I read a great deal and am always looking for something to mark my place.....all too often it's a scrap of paper or receipt from something! The tea theme is perfect for me because I really enjoy a cup of tea and a book in the evening. :-)

Also, I wanted to add to my previous comment....I tried to email it, but I keep getting it back for some reason.....So, I just wanted to tell you that all of you should be delighted with your accomplishments and that I pray Psalm 90:17 for you, that the Lord will confirm (give permanence to) the work of your hands. I love this verse, because it reminds me that the things I make for my family and friends become opportunities for God to do give permanence to them and bless people years after I am no longer here to see that blessing. Neat, isn't it?

Love to all,
Miss Debbie

Anonymous said...

Girls, those are beautifully done! I've made a few quilts myself and know what a great feeling it is to put your personality into some handiwork that will last for generations. But I never made a quilt at your young ages. I'm very, very impressed! Nice job.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful! Caroline, you got glasses! (this is Casey. My nickname is Chicken Jo!)

Anonymous said...

Those are so cool! They're very pretty! ;)

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Miss Donna,

Thank you so much for your encouraging comment on our quilts! We are happy to hear that you too, have made some quilts!!! They are so fun to see come together and get prettier and prettier! And it is neat to think of them as a keepsake that will be shared with the next generation.

Thanks again!!!!
The Bowes girls

The Bowes Family said...

Dear Casey and Lainee,

It is such a pleasure to hear from you!!! We really enjoyed your comments on our quilts!!!
We had lots of fun making them!(With the help of our sweet sewing teacher!)

We miss you!!!

The Bowes sisters

The Bowes Family said...

Hi Miss Debbie!

We sure enjoyed receiving your second note! Thanks! So glad you like the bookmark! And thanks for your prayers for us. It IS neat to think that the Lord could use something we make to bless others long after we create it! We'd love to do more of that!

We love you,

Valerie, all of us:)

Anonymous said...

We miss you too!

Anonymous said...

Dear Girls,
I thought that maybe it was not polite for me to ask if you made them by hand or machine. I honestly was so amazed at the beautiful work you had done, that I had many questions out of my awe (and my ignorance when it comes to sewing).

From my viewpoint, your quilts have been just as much a labor of love as they would have been done any other way.

Miss Debbie's note brought tears to my eyes! God has enabled you to create something very special to pass on and bless others.

God bless each of you in all the faithful works of your hands!!!;)
Love you,
Mrs. Eagle

The Bowes Family said...

Hi Mrs. Eagle,

Thanks so much for your note! We sure appreciate your thoughtfulness and cautious, gentle spirit not to offend. But we never ever thought anything other than happy, pleasant thoughts about you asking questions about how they were made:) We would have wondered the same thing, so we're glad you asked! We are grateful and delighted with your interest in our first quilts! You are a blessing to us!

The Bowes Girls

Dee Dee said...

Those are BEAUTIFUL!