Monday, May 5, 2008

Fair Fun! Part 2

Caroline and Victoria had a ton of fun giving their goats a good beauty treatment in preparation for their big debut! They all did great!

Joseph was still a bit young to participate in most of the fair's festivities this year, but he definitely enjoyed all the snacks we fed him to keep him content in his stroller!

Guess whose photograph won "most humorous"? Not much of a surprise, huh?


LEE said...

Congratulation girls on your photo awards and showing your goats.

Grandpa sure would like to see more of your photos.

Joseph what a happy smile.

Love you all,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Grandpa!

Thanks so much for all your encouragment in our endeavors! We will send more photos . . . . hope you like pictures of sheep! : )

I love you more than all the wool in the world!


Hi Casey!

Thanks so much for leaving comments! We love it!


Aunt Debbie said...

Great Job with the goats! Caroline you look so tall - no one would believe how tiny you used to be - and is that Victoria looking serious?? I think Joseph looks like your Dad(my brother)in that picture except happier! Love You All and happy mother's day Robyn!