Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Day at the Beach

The weather warmed up yesterday, so we headed to the beach!
Timothy, Daddy and Joseph : ) tide pooling.

Joseph enjoying the sand.

Joseph enjoying the ocean! He loved it!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sending the pictures. It sure looks like fun. So nice you are close enough to the ocean that the kids get to enjoy it now and then. Who enjoyed it the most??? Joseph, Timothy or Ted??? Love you more than all the water in all the oceans, Meemom

LEE said...

Hey Timothy,
Did you catch anything on the end of that string? Sure must have been big to warrant such a big string. Looks like Joseph is not too sure about what you are going to catch.

Joseph just think you are in the sand where you can get as dirty as you want. Thats a boys dream.

Love you all more than all the starfish in the world times infinity,
