“ . . . . that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
The day after tomorrow will mark two weeks from the sudden and unexpected loss of Lydia’s beloved ewe, Grace. Though it has been an emotional two weeks, it has been a blessed time, as we have seen God’s providential provisions for our every need. We want to share with you, our family and friends, the good things God has worked together for our good!
“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:20b
On Tuesday, February 5th, Lydia went out to feed and enjoy Grace before the start of her school day. Strangely, Grace did not want to eat her grain, and she was making an unusual baahing noise. Knowing something was seriously wrong with her, Lydia came running in the front door, crying for help. In the following hours, we talked on the phone with our veterinarian several times. Though none of us could really figure out what went wrong, we made many speculations and tried everything we could to save her. It was a cold, wet day, and Lydia stayed out in our make-shift barn with her, loving and nursing her as best she could, until her last breath. She passed away at 6pm that evening. And we all cried a bucket of tears in the days to follow.
You see, Grace was a very special pet. She was a dream come true for Lydia. Since her first days at home in the nursery, Lydia has been surrounded by pictures of lambs, stuffed animal lambs, lamb bedding, and lamb décor. As she grew older, she began reading many books about sheep, and particularly enjoys reading about the special relationship God has ordained between a shepherd and his sheep, such as in A Shepherd’s Look at the 23rd Psalm. She had always dreamed of one day owning a real lamb she could call her own. So three years ago, soon after moving to Washington State and after much research, Lydia purchased her first little three-month-old lamb from our friends, the Gregory’s. All her young years she had been patiently waiting and saving her money up for this very special day. And what a blessed day it was!

“ . . . . hope in God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.”
1 Timothy 6:17b
In the years to follow, Lydia and Grace formed a very special bond, as shepherds and sheep do. Lydia talked to her everyday, and Grace knew her voice and responded back to her. Grace followed Lydia everywhere she went, and would come in the house if we let her! We have many pictures of her peering into the front door, wondering why we were all inside and she was not. She was not afraid of anyone or anything, thanks to Lydia’s sweet nurturing love and care for her.
Not only did Lydia lose Grace that day, she also lost the lambs within her. She was so looking forward to the birth of new lambs, just a few weeks away. This was even more heartbreaking to think about.
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted . . . . ” Psalm 34:18a
“This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘Therefore,I have hope in Him.’ The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.” Lamentations 3:22-25
However, all this to say, after crying out to the Lord in our time of sorrow, we were able to see our loving Father at work. Of course, Lydia began thinking right away of wanting another sheep to love. We knew that we couldn’t purchase a lamb from the Gregory’s this year, as they are rebuilding their flock after the devastating December flood swallowed 75% of their herd. So her thoughts immediately turned to her first two lambs that she sold to a family back in August of last year. She loved those two lambs very much, and especially because they were Grace’s first and only offspring.
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above . . . ”
James 1:17a
Lydia asked if we could contact the family, and humbly inquire about the possibility of their consideration of selling the lambs back to us! She was even willing to cover all of the expenses they had incurred in taking care of them all the months they had them. We e-mailed the family on Wednesday afternoon, and heard back from them within just a couple hours that evening. They said they would be happy to sell them back! They had purchased them for a potential “petting zoo” for his business, and this had not yet come to fruition. So the lambs had been out to pasture on his farm for the past five and a half months. They were still together and healthy, but longing for more attention.
So he said he would be in Chehalis on Friday and could meet us there. It just so happened that we were planning on being in Chehalis on Friday as well! And our dear friends, the Wagoner’s, graciously loaned us their trailer, and on very short notice I might add! So by Friday afternoon, Lydia, Justice and Mercy were reunited! With a smile back on her face again, she began this new chapter in her life.
Though the loss of Grace and her lambs is still very fresh and painful at times, the Lord has surely brought comfort and joy “in the morning” as He has showered His love on her. It has been one of those milestones in the life of our family, and particularly for Lydia, of God’s lovingkindness and faithfulness to His children that will be etched on our hearts forever. In His goodness and sovereignty this event did not “slip by Him”. We had just studied as a family Romans 8:28, where it says we can KNOW that He causes ALL things to work together for our good!
Lydia asked if we could contact the family, and humbly inquire about the possibility of their consideration of selling the lambs back to us! She was even willing to cover all of the expenses they had incurred in taking care of them all the months they had them. We e-mailed the family on Wednesday afternoon, and heard back from them within just a couple hours that evening. They said they would be happy to sell them back! They had purchased them for a potential “petting zoo” for his business, and this had not yet come to fruition. So the lambs had been out to pasture on his farm for the past five and a half months. They were still together and healthy, but longing for more attention.
So he said he would be in Chehalis on Friday and could meet us there. It just so happened that we were planning on being in Chehalis on Friday as well! And our dear friends, the Wagoner’s, graciously loaned us their trailer, and on very short notice I might add! So by Friday afternoon, Lydia, Justice and Mercy were reunited! With a smile back on her face again, she began this new chapter in her life.
Though the loss of Grace and her lambs is still very fresh and painful at times, the Lord has surely brought comfort and joy “in the morning” as He has showered His love on her. It has been one of those milestones in the life of our family, and particularly for Lydia, of God’s lovingkindness and faithfulness to His children that will be etched on our hearts forever. In His goodness and sovereignty this event did not “slip by Him”. We had just studied as a family Romans 8:28, where it says we can KNOW that He causes ALL things to work together for our good!
“Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both good and ill go forth?”
Lamentations 3:38
We pray that this indelible mark of her loving Creator’s work in her life will continue to bring comfort to her soul long after the grass has grown thick over Grace’s grave. May He use it for His glory and Lydia’s good all the days of her life!
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
Boy, mommy did a great job of documenting the life of Grace and the special bond between Lydia and
Grace. We are all thrilled that Lydia was able to purchase the two little lambs back as we know that helped ease the pain of losing Grace. It does remind us that God is aways there for us as our friend and someone who loves us more than we could ever know. As you know Romans 8:28 is my favorite verse. I am thinking of having it painted on my kitchen wall.
Dear Quad Granny:)
Thank you so much for your encouraging words! Yes, Romans 8:28 is an awesome verse and would be great painted on your kitchen wall!
I love you!
My Dear Grandpa,
Thank you so much for writing such a sweet e-mail to me! It was so encouraging to read it!
I am sure Justice and Mercy will follow after their mother's hoove-steps and make good guard sheep, too. :)
I am blessed by your love for me and I miss you very much!
I love you!
Your account almost (almost) moved me to tears. Especially poignant is the photo of Grace peering into the house.
Lydia, I can still remember when my special rabbit died when I was about your age. What I remember now, many years later, is how hard my father tried to save him because he knew how much I loved that bunny. You are blessed to have a family who supported and then cried with you on that day. Perhaps this spring you'll invite me to come and meet your two lambs. :)
I have just now been able to read your beautiful heart felt poem and the events leading up to loosing Gracie and getting back her lambs. God is so good all the time in good times as well as the bad times. We are so thankful you love and trust Him so very much.
love grammie and Papa
Dear Papa and Grammie,
Thanks for your loving note! Yes, God is so good ALL the time! I am learning to trust Him more and more. I am thankful for your Godly examples!
I love you,
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